Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Meg Lingard's Goals & Projects for 2014

January -  Organize my filing cabinet and shred old files to prep for the new year.

February - Eat a low glycemic diet all month. I need to be doing this all the time due to some health problems I have. But I need a jumping off point so this is the month to get used to it and find some good recipes I can rely on.

March - Read all the talks from the last general conference before the next conference. With little kids I've been really bad at "paying attention" to conference. Hoping to get through the last set before the next one starts.

April - Catch up with my family blog and get at least two years worth of books printed.

May - Make a quilt that matches my living room. We need a new cuddle blanket in there to use when watching movies.

June - Go camping twice with my family.

July - Run in a race. I've wanted to run in a race at the Farmington Festival Days for a few years now but it hasn't worked out. This year it will work out!

August - Learn to crochet. I've always wanted to do this. I'm planning on asking one of my awesome neighbors to help teach me how. It will be a good opportunity to learn a skill from one of these sweet ladies around me.

September - Get our 72 hour kits started... yes started ;).

October - Collect hats to donate to the cancer center. This is something near and dear to my heart and I've wanted to do this for several years. I'm hoping rally my friends to help me and collect as many cute hats as I can to help these ladies out.

November - Finish Christmas before the end of the month. I'm a great procrastinator ;). I'd like to be completely ready before the month is over so I can better enjoy December and spend that month focusing on my family and what Christmas is really about.

December - Do 10 random acts of service with my kids. 

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