Thursday, February 27, 2014

Susan Fitch, January, finish illustrating a story book

Hello.  My name is Susan Fitch.

I met Nora in the summer of 1994 when we were counselors at Oakcrest girls' camp together.  I consider myself truly blessed to be counted as one of her friends - especially after all this time. (I also got to work with Nora's sister Vanessa at Aggie Ice Cream at Utah State!)

A little about myself: I have been married for nearly 15 years.  We have 3 living children, Aiden 11, Emma 8, and Mary 4.  We also have one angel baby who would have turned 14 this summer.  She was born and died just a few weeks before Nora lost her Charlotte.  I remember climbing into Nora's bed with her and the both of us crying together over our angel babies.  For that, and many other things, I will love Nora forever.

I have loved reading about all of you and your stories and goals.  I've found something in common with each one of you as you've posted.  I've been thrilled to see that so many of you live in Davis county.  We just moved to Kaysville from Weber county. Everytime I read that one of you are close by it makes me feel like I have new friends here already!
 (our new home)
My project for this month was to finish illustrating a story that my sister wrote.  I love to draw.  But I have purposely tried to keep it a hobby and not a profession.  It is so easy for me to let life distract me from my family & my Heavenly Father; the things that are really the most important to me.  I'm kind of scatter-brained by nature. A couple of years ago I read this blog post that gave me inspiration to go about my life more consciously and really think about choosing the things that I will or will not do.  The balancing act is a constant juggle for me, and sometimes I do better than others. 

Here's where my project comes in.  I screwed up.  Last year, my sister wrote a story for one of her children who was having some issues with anxiety.  She asked me if I could illustrate the book.  I made a conscious decision that it was a good project, and that the time I took away from my children to do the illustrations would come back to bless them in the form of a book that would help them too.  And maybe even grandchildren down the line.  Several weeks later, I was asked by a guy in one of our previous wards to illustrate a series of short stories about Santa Claus that he had written and was going to self publish.  I talked to my husband, and prayed about it and felt really good about it, so I told him yes, but spread my deadlines far apart so I could do other projects as well.  As time went on, I illustrated the Santa Stories but never got around to doing my sister's book.  I felt so guilty about it that I almost didn't tell her that my illustrations had been published in a real book for the first and only time ever.

So you can see why I chose this for my project.  I needed to give myself some deadlines to get this done.  While the Santa book was super fun, and has been a great experience, my sister is more important to me and I didn't want her to fall through the cracks. 

In the past few months, I have been working on her book.  It's called "Super Sarah"  I wanted to have it done and printed up on Blurb to give her a fancy hard copy for her birthday which was Feb. 11. Each illustration takes at least 2-3 days.  And with moving, my time was really limited.  I mostly did my drawing late at night in front of the TV.  When my sister's birthday came, I was still working on it.  But she got very sick on her birthday - and I must admit that I was glad- because I thought that would give me more time to finish.  Now here I am on the 26th.  I still have 5 illustrations left to do. I haven't seen my sister since before her birthday, but her birthday lunch was rescheduled for tomorrow.  So technically, I have failed in my goal.  In actuality - it's a success because I never would have gotten this far if Nora hadn't come along and given me some accountability for this project.  (thanks Nora & all you project connecters!)

I will post the reading rainbow version of the book & illustrations here if you'd like to read it. It is enough for you to get the plot, but doesn't spoil the ending.  Though, I really only have one other illustration done beyond what I'm posting. Here goes:

Sarah lived in a beautiful old farmhouse.
One of Sarah's favorite places in the whole world was the attic.
She wasn't tall enough to turn the light on, but the window let in just the right amount of sunlight so she could see perfectly.
Sarah loved to play dolls in the attic.  She loved to dance.  She loved to read by the window where she could watch the birds in the trees.  Sometimes she would just curl up and take a nap in the warm sunshine.

Whatever she did in the attic, Sarah always felt strong, and smart, happy, and creative and safe.
One day, Sarah was tall enough to turn the light on.  She was so excited until she noticed something she had never seen before.
A few of the boards on the walls had ugly old knots in them.  Some of them even looked scary.

Sarah's mom and dad told her everything was okay.  The attic was still as safe and fun as it had always been.
But Sarah felt worried.  She did not like those ugly knots and scary faces.  Maybe, she didn't like the attic anymore. 

So that's it.  That's all I've got so far.  I will keep working on it and report on it again next month.  I will also be working on next month's goal:  To potty train my 8 year old. Before you judge me, you should know that Emma has cerebral palsy.  Muscle control and balance are big issues for her.  Sitting on the toilet is really scary and difficult.  Sometimes I wonder if she has the muscle control to control her bladder.  But I'm 95% sure she does.  She was just about potty trained until we moved.  Once she started her new school she regressed a whole lot.  They do not have a small sized toilet low to the ground that she can balance on well.  So, we're starting over again.  I feel like I've tried everything.  I'm not exactly sure what my plan of attack will be for this next month, but I think that solving the problem of the 'too tall' toilets at school will be the first step. Wish me lots of luck because I really need it! 


Becky said...

Wow! Beautiful illustrations Susan! You are so talented. The hardest part is behind you--getting started. I agree with what you said about finding something in common with each of the ladies posting on this blog. I also have an angel baby and am constantly working to balance my life in a way Heavenly Father would be pleased and to best serve him and my family. Can't wait to see the rest of your illustrations!

Jillian said...

Your pictures are AMAZING!!!! I love the book! You have an amazing talent!!

I will also be wishing you lots of luck for your next goal!!

Nora Mair said...

Way to go Sushi! Your drawings of Charlotte mean so much to me. (I have one as she looked when she was born and one Sushi did of how she'd look as a kid.) Just amazing! Sue also did our Christmas card in 2009? A real winner. So glad you're on projects connect and that a deadline is helping. It's sure helping me, I'm on #7 of my 50 things and I have just hours left. And a trip to Ross planned. That farm house, did it come from your head or is there one I can drive past and ooogle at? And how do you come up with the clothes you put on your characters? Do you see the picture in your head, exactly as it comes out? A real talent!
ps I Love that article you referenced from Clover Lane. She's got mothering down (although I think she nurses her children for entirely too long but that's more of a personal preference than a parenting example).

Susan said...

thanks everyone! To answer Nora: The farmhouse is in Farmington. I drove around looking for a cute old house with an attic window. It is on 400 N and 100 E. I worry that the people living in it think I'm a weird criminal stalker because I have been back several times and I just get out of my car and take a few pictures at different angles then drive away. I've wondered if I should mail them a copy of the book when it's finished and say "Look! that's your house!" As for clothes, a lot come from my head. I always revert back to polka dots and stripes. But sometimes I go virtual shopping for clothes to draw. :)

Erin Bee said...

I really love the story and the pictures are amazing. I'm so impressed and I like your creepy stalker story. And, I'm excited to hear about your potty training adventures. My five year old struggles with bladder control and I look forward to the day I don't have to carry around extra clothes. No judgment here, potty training is very hard.

Vanessa Sutton said...

Oh my heavens you are talented! Your illustrations are amazing. So nice to see you here on projects connect!! Best of luck in getting settled in your new house.

Donna and Bevan said...

I remember Nora's Christmas card from that year and thinking there was no way to top that! It was so beautiful and clever! You're drawings really are amazing!

Unknown said...

I remember the Christmas card you made for Nora as well, you captured each person perfectly. You have some impressive talent, it must be fun to be published and to be helping family!

Jennifer said...

You have an amazing talent. I hope this joint venture with your sister will go beyond just your family. I've been doing a lot of reading about anxiety to help my son and so far have not found any storybooks that address the subject this way, as showing that extra information can be too much for the anxious child. That is spot-on. I also admire your conscious approach to balancing your talent with your family. Where in Kaysville do you live? I'm by Morgan Elementary. Are you related to Hannah Fitch?

Anonymous said...

Wow. Wow. Wow. I am amazed. I cannot draw to save my life. My kids ask me to draw a portrait, and I am embarrassed. It's incredible to me that people have this ability, because I just don't know where it comes from. Well, yes I do. Beautiful drawings!

utdaisy said...

Amazing illustrations!

Meg said...

Holy cow! This blew me away! You are so talented! I love the illustrations. Now... maybe this will blow you away. I live kitty corner to that farm house that you have on there. When I first saw the picture I thought, "Huh... that looks like Susan's house (her name is Susan too)". Then when I read your comment about a farm house in Farmington I knew that it was the same house. She is a super cool lady, she is actually our Relief Society President right now. She is one of the nicest, funniest people I know here. She would think this is so cool! So no pressure, I promise I wont say anything to her, but I bet she would think this is super awesome. You should consider it... I would even introduce you if you want.

It makes me feel like I'm in good company with all the awesome mama's who have little ones in heaven. I teared up reading about you and Nora crying in bed together. Bless your hearts!

Unknown said...

So.... now I'm feeling a little STARstruck! I just downloaded a flip chart to use for Primary Singing Time this past Sunday to teach the kids "I Stand All Amazed" and if I'm not mistaken, the drawings used are yours....?? Holy cow. I feel really awesome right now because I am like, a co-blogger, or something, with someone famous, and I was a counselor at Oakcrest as well. I mean, we are practically related now. :-) But seriously, Susan. Thank you for sharing your talents to build up the kingdom and share the gospel. I cannot even make a stick figure look decent, so I am grateful for people like you!!

Unknown said...

As as as always I am so impressed to see your talent in action! I remember watching you draw and being taken in with your talent. Fun to hear how your life is going Sushi! Your family is beautiful

Susan said...

Thank you so much. I will let you know when I finish the illustrations. Maybe this story could help your son? The attic represents the world. When kids get a certain age they begin to understand and see things differently & it can be scary.
In Kaysville, we live right by the Haight Creek Stake Center, or down the street from the Kaysville ponds. And no, I don't think we are related to Hannah Fitch.

Susan said...

No Way! what a small world. I can't believe you live across from "Sarah's" (Susan's) house. When I get it finished I will surely have to take her a copy now. :) And it's fine if you want to tell her about it. I don't mind at all.

Susan said...

I am so flattered & get a giggle out of your starstruck comment. Because I'm so not famous or anything. But it makes me smile that you think I am. I have never done a flip chart for "I stand all amazed" but I have a blog where I post clip art that people can download for free & use for stuff like that, so it might still be my drawings. The blog is if you are interested. Thanks for making me feel so fancy!

Unknown said...

Those are amazing! You are so talented

Ashley Jaggi said...

You are my favorite illustrator! I LOVE your work. Every time I venture back I see such cute things!