Monday, April 21, 2014

Andrea Hill March Goal: Important things all in one place

When we moved to China we stored some of our things in my friend's unfinished basement. While we were in China she finished her basement and moved our things into a new spot. When we moved back from China and gathered up our storage we couldn't find the plastic container that had our wedding pictures, mission pictures, and journals.  I was devastated...and pretty much cried everytime I thought about it.  There was really nothing I could do, I could replace pretty much everything else that we had stored, but I couldn't replace our journals and pictures.  

After a couple of months had past and I had given up hope, my friend called and she had found the container!  So I learned a lesson about what "things" are worth saving and storing.  

Fast forward seven years…

My husband's mission pictures are still in a box,  wedding pictures are in albums, 
and all of our video is still on tapes that haven't been made into movies.  

So---my March goal was an attempt at digitizing everything I could, putting it on to an external hard drive, and then putting all the backups and journals etc. into one spot.  If I suddenly have to evacuate my home I could quickly grab my plastic bin with all the important pictures and journals.  

Costco had a coupon for making tapes into DVDs during March and so I did about half of our tapes (next coupon time I'll do the other half).  

I also spent about several hours digitizing my husband's growing up pictures and mission pictures. I've gathered up everything else that needs to be done and it's sitting in a stack next to my computer.  I'd say I'm about 50% completed with my goal.  It's not completed, but it's better than it was in February.  

For my April project I am attempting to gain some Photoshop skills…I've been watching the videos and scanning more pictures.  Maybe I'll be finished with March's project by the end of April??

P.S. Just an update on my January project "to sell a house in St. George"… it is under contract!  Our renters moved out (we took new pictures:) and a couple of weeks later a nice family made a great offer.  We were able to sell it "by owner" and now we are just waiting a bit until closing.


Nora Mair said...

This is my October goal to corral and centralize all the memorabilia. I keep feeling like if it's worth keeping around it should be accessible and viewable--exactly what you're doing. Although you're going the extra mile to back it all up. I'm impressed with the scanning. When you're in the zone of sorting and scanning do you feel lost in time? The power of pictures...Yea on selling the hunger games house.

Christine Bennee said...

I was looking for my husband's missionary nametag last night in my big cupboard that hold all of that kind of important stuff. What a great idea to back it all up! My stuff is unorganized...scout patches, mission slides, and kindergarten art all on a shelf. I have felt like I must put it all into beautiful displays and scrapbooks, but just digitizing all of it and then sorting it would bring me some peace :) Thanks for the inspiration!

Holli said...

That is a huge project! I am impressed with how much you accomplished in a month! I really need to do that. I am definitely making that a goal for next year.

Donna and Bevan said...

Coscto does the converting the tapes to dvd's??? My MIL has had me doing hers for years. All this time I was doing it by hand (with a slow computer) and it was taking hours and hours per dvd. I wonder if she knows she can just do this?! She's a Costco fan, by the way. Thanks for the tip! Congrats on selling the house!

Susan said...

This is great! You really accomplished a lot. You've given me a new aspiration.