Friday, April 11, 2014

Anne Halpenny, March, Storytime

I started a new job in February. I was going to show a storytime I planned and presented but circumstances being what they are, I am unable to write about it, even though I did accomplish the goal. Until I get approval to post about it, here is another project I accomplished in March. I learned how to make flannel stories. I selected 2 poems/stories that I could use the same flannels for:

I learned how to make templates, cut out the flannel, and was introduced to fabric paint(!) I know what I would do differently next time, but I'm rather proud of how they came out.

I'm sorry this is so short but it's not what I wanted to post. It may change.

1 comment:

Nora Mair said...

I'm so jealous of your job. It looks like it would be a dream gig. And no stress about posting your original goal--you're getting things done.