Saturday, April 5, 2014

Julie Doherty, MARCH: Beds and Websites and Callings... Oh My!

Remember how I changed my March goal from having my photography website go live to making my bed every day?  Well, I'm happy to report this is what my bed looked like every day. Uh huh. Yep.

April Fool's! Gotcha! Right?

Okay, so the last time it looked like this was actually when the photo was taken in 2007 just after my family did an Extreme Makeover on my house for their Christmas Service Project.
Aren't they lovely people?

However, I will say this: possibly I set a new record this past month of March for bed-making!
Who says you can't learn new things after the age of 40?

Now about that website...
I really am working on it. Just running into a few glitches.
The first issue is the cute free hosting website that I chose to use,,
that keeps saying this to me:

  Oops... is temporarily unavailable.
   We apologize for any inconvenience it may cause.
   Our team is working to fix this problem and we will be up again shortly

That is a direct quote.
If anyone has used Wix before and has any helpful tips, I would be ever grateful!

Second issue I have run into is that I was called to be the
Young Women's president in our ward in March.  Whaaaaat?
 It was quite shocking because, of course, at the time I was totally coasting--
loving life, soaking it up while I was serving as the Primary Chorister and Girls' Camp director,
which in my opinion, are THE BEST callings in the world!
I guess someone knew (meaning God), that it was time for me to kick it up a notch or two
and lean on Him a bit more.  And let me tell you, I have been.
And I'll tell you something else-- that wicked enemy, the Adversary has stepped it up too.
I have felt that as well.  Oh, he is mean.
It proves to me how important these youth are
and how vital families are in the eternal scheme of things.
So far, I am LOVING it!  I already know and love each of the girls
and the new presidency and board are awesome.
So again, if anyone has been here and has any helpful tips, I would be ever grateful!

I'll get back to you when that PhotogBlog is up and going......  :-)

Awww....  just for kicks and giggles, we'll give this link a try and see what happens:

Next month I'll report on my SmashBookin' with the Teeny Boppers!

1 comment:

Meg said...

What a bummer! Looks like something happened though because I just clicked your link and it looks SO GOOD! What a talent you have!

You seem like you would be an amazing Young Women's President. Those girls are lucky!