Monday, July 21, 2014

Holli Gunther's June Goal: Don't yell at or around my children!

I always considered myself a patient person--then I had children. Ha! I think that is one of the reasons I have 6 children--so that I can learn to be more patient and have true charity.  So, I wasn't at all perfect this month at controlling my outbursts. :/ But, I was better and more conscious of it.  It's not that I go around yelling a ton, but when I am stressed I have a really hard time not letting those emotions carry through to everything else.

Two things that helped a ton this month were:
1.  Reading A House United by Nicholeen Peck
2.  Taking 5-HTP (sold at Costco) twice a day.

I'm not finished with the book yet, but I went to a seminar that Nicholeen Peck put on and have started implementing some of her ideas.  She was on a BBC show called, "The World's Strictest Parents."  She was the only parent on the show that never raised her voice! It is so amazing how she can remain extremely calm in the middle of disciplining her children.  She is my idol!
If you want more info, her website is

The 5-HTP was a suggestion from my mother. :)  It is a drug-free amino acid that naturally increases your body's serotonin levels.  This helps improve mood and relaxation.  I haven't done much research on it, however.  It probably causes cancer like everything else in this world!  But, when I take it I can tell a significant difference in my mood and how I handle stress.

So, there you have it. 
My goal for July was to simplify and not have my children involved in any activities.  I planned on using my "extra time" to organize all our photos.  Well, my grandparents had their 75th wedding anniversary in NC, so most of our month was spent preparing for, going to, and recovering from that! But, it was awesome.  I will blog about it next month. :)


Jennifer said...

I'm interested in checking out your recommendations. 75 years! Wow!

Nora Mair said...

I'm so impressed that you went to North Carolina with all six kids! Very cool. I love things that make a significant difference. They remind me that there are possibilities in this world, just when I think there are just limits and things are always just the same. Can't wait to hear about the trip.

Becky said...

What a great goal! Michelle Duggar is my idol. She never yells, always talks with kindness. I'm not a big yeller but when I get stressed and mad I talk mean and give dirty looks. I keep thinking if I could see a video of myself and watched it maybe that would cure me. Your trip sounds fantastic!

Susan said...

What an admirable goal. I think most of us lose it at least sometimes. That 5-HCP sounds interesting too. I may have to check that out....