Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Christine Bennee's Goals & Projects for 2014

January- shelves in 3 closets. This new house came with the basics, but I want to get 3 more shelves/half shelves put up.

February- apply to new school and fill out mounds of scholarship applications 

March- shelves in cupboards. The big, giant cupboards under 4 bathroom sinks and under the cook top. I like a nice big space under the kitchen sink, but it is hard to store piles of bathroom necessities and all of my pots and pans in one big cube. It will require ordering shelf clips, cutting the shelves, and installing.

April-organize those recipes that fill an entire shelf with loose papers, scraps of napkins I've scribbled yummy ingredients on.

May- make a jeans quilt. I have a huge pile of old jeans that have been in a box for a couple of years!

June- plant a garden. This is not unusual for me, but I will have to prepare the soil this year. (Again, new house). Maybe even put the whole backyard in.

July- Plan an extended family camping trip

August- Back to school for me and the kiddos. Find or make some kind of homework station so I can keep track of the paper avalanche that attacks our house. Figure out how to keep track of those reading sheets and book report forms.

September- learn a song on the ukelele

October-get up in the mountains at least twice. I love to hike in the fall, and last year we didn't go once. Family pictures on one of the outings.

November-Host a neighborhood party. I'm thinking a pie night the week before? Thanksgiving.

December-finish my scripture reading chart I've been working on all year. I have a schedule I've been doing that says if I read 4 pages from the bible and 2 from the other books I can read all of the standard works in one year!

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