Saturday, January 4, 2014

Holli Gunther's Goals and Projects for 2014

Hi!  My name is Holli Gunther.
I live in American Fork, Utah, with my husband, Philip, and my 6 children.  I am a stay-at-home mom, and taught 4th grade for a couple of years before we had children.  I have to say that motherhood has been much more of an education than all my preparation to be a teacher! 

January:  Have family scripture study every morning at 7:30am.

February:  Wean Felicia and potty train Austin

March and April:  Remodel our kitchen!

May:  Do something with family history and involve the children in it.

June:  Don’t yell at or around my children.  Keep calm.

July:  Simplify our calendar.  No lessons of any kind.  Organize family photos with all of our spare time!

August:  Go somewhere over night with my husband.

September:  Involve my children in harvesting and preserving the food from our garden.

October:  Donate our Halloween candy to a shelter.

November:  Take Reese somewhere over night.

December:  Family service project.  Maybe stockings for soldiers?

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