Friday, February 28, 2014

Erin Barbee, January 2014, Plyometrics Tabata

I think I have the shortest Nora history. We met just over 4 years ago, when we moved into her neighborhood in West Jordan. She still treats me like we're best friends whenever she sees me. And, she left me a great jogging partner when she decided to move away. I might know some of her friends from a LONG time ago at Valley Junior High. Maybe my path would have crossed Nora's long ago if I would have lived a little further north and gone to Granger instead of Taylorsville. When she e-mailed me about this project, I had been thinking about how to reach some goals this year and had been considering monthly goals. This project gave me the accountability I needed.

I've been married to Todd for 16 years. My kids are Jonah (13), Luke (11), Kira (6) and Morgan (5). Next month, I might share a little bit more about my kids. I've lived in Utah my entire life and we'll be in our lovely West Jordan Home for a long time. I stay at home for the most part but this is the first year that I haven't prepared taxes part-time. I'm sure I'll tell you more about my family as the months go on. 
On to my project for January. It's called Plyometrics Tabata by Jill Coleman. I found it on Xfinity On Demand last summer. It's a 12 minute exercise program that doesn't seem that hard. Then, later in the day, I can't walk up and down the stairs. So, I made the goal to do it three times a week. Two weeks in and I had no trouble with stiff backside. So, I decided to step it up and looked on her website to see what else she had.
Here's her Hurricane Sandy workout.
Sandy Workout
And, here's a link to her 4 minute workout.

I started doing the Hurricane Sandy Workout and it was the extra challenge that I needed. I have kept it up a little in February and now I don't have the trouble with stiff muscles. I call it goal accomplished. But without having to admit on here that I failed, I'm not as motivated as I was before.

So, you do the exercises for 20 seconds and then you take a 10 second break before you repeat. So, squat jumps you do six times but then when you get to planks and bicycles you only do two rounds. Confused anyone? It's pretty easy to tell yourself you can do anything for 20 seconds and you all can. So, try it if you're ready to switch up your exercise routine.
Posting at the end of the month presents challenges because I am currently worried about three projects instead of two. My February Project to compliment my kids every day didn't go quite as planned but with adjustments it's been okay. And, I already started my March Project because I love organization.


Nora Mair said...

yea on being stiff. Your muscles are more productive and the strong legs and core and can protect your back right? I long for strong legs and core, and really nothing's stopping me, just the baby I'm incubating, but that's really just an excuse. I've worked out regularly during other pregnancies and the recoveries are so much better. But having some (one, time, place), for accountability is key. So glad you're doing the project and I miss you and your family and Todd's sacrament meeting antics;)

The Glitch Boys said...

Sounds like a great resource! I think I'll be looking into it this week. 12 minute workout enough to make you sore? That's what I like.

The Glitch Boys said...
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Nicholle said...

That is so awesome! I love Tabata!

Anonymous said...

Great goal. Tabata workouts are killer!

utdaisy said...

So true... You can endure anything for 20 seconds:)

Meg said...

I'll have to check this out! I'm in need of some good short workouts right now. Way to go on taking care of your body!

Jennifer said...

In general I steer clear of things with hurricane in the name, but I am really interested in this workout program. All you ladies here on the blog are so inspirational with your devotion to personal wellness! I'd love to know more about the sacrament meeting antics Nora says she misses. :)

Unknown said...

I've never heard of it, I can't wait to look into it more!