Monday, May 12, 2014

Stefanie Ackerson, April, Wedding DVD Part 2

Oops, a day late again....but better late than never, right?

My original goal for April was to update my memory book with a section on my year as a newlywed for my one-year anniversary on the 13th.  But then April turned out super busy between an impromptu vacation during spring break, craziness at work, and being sick a lot.  So I decided to put off my memory book project until another month when I will have more time to dedicate to doing it well.

I decided instead to finish my goal for February.  I had made a wedding DVD for my brother and new sister-in-law for her birthday in February, but ran into a few snags that took longer to resolve than they really should have, so I didn't have time to make a DVD of my own wedding.  Watching the movie with her and my brother and seeing their googly eyes for each other inspired a twinge of jealousy in my heart, and ever since then it's been eating at me!  So I decided (by golly!) that I would finally finish my own wedding DVD for my anniversary.  Well, that didn't really happen either, but I at least started working on it off and on during the month of April and finally finished it up this weekend.

I won't go into all the details again about how I made the DVD.  (You can go back to my entry from March if you're really interested.)  I decided to use the same computer program (Windows DVD Maker) for a number of reasons:  1-I had already figured out how to make it work, 2-I was too ignorant/lazy to figure out how/where to find a better program, and 3-I actually thought the first one turned out really cute and wanted to try some new designs with my own.  And I'm glad I did.  I still ran into a snag or two, but it was much faster going this time around.

Here are some snapshots of the opening menu and scene selection screens (sorry for the poor quality--picture of a computer screen--it looks much better in person):

I'm so excited to finally curl up on the couch with my cute hubbie and relive our wedding day together! (Missing family, messy cake fight, getaway car fiasco and all!) :)


ATL said...

Hey! I made it into one of the screen shots! ...At least my backside did. =P I think I want to see how the DVD turned out.

Nora Mair said...

I made it into one of the screen shots too! What an accomplishment! It makes me want to pull out my wedding video...I should set a goal to get it converted to a DVD instead of having to set up the VCR to watch it. Hope you feel better soon!

Meg said...

How fun to have that all put together. A family treasure for sure!