Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Erin Barbee - June - Make Do and Go to the Store Less

Right at the first of June, I wimped out and decided I was only going to not go to the store for one week. So, I spent half of the month trying to stock up and get ready for not going to the store. I did try to be conscious of it all month, though. I really tried not to go to Target and I did only go three times and twice was the first week. I'm usually at Target a couple of times a week. And, I found as I went less, that even when I did go it was usually only for a couple of items instead of a big list to spend my money on.

So, then it's the 15th and I've committed to not going to the store for a week. My friend, Heidi, does this every year for one month. It's great for her food storage recycling and knowing what she needs for her food storage. But, I'm not her and I really am not prepared if there's a real emergency.

So, it's Monday morning and my daughter wakes up with this hair and no product in the house. She was still in school, too. So, I really couldn't have her going without hair product (gel, shampoo and conditioner) for a week. So, day one, I went to Sally's. I also went to Auto Zone because we really needed a new gas can for the lawnmower. There's a big yellow patch of lawn that will back me up on this one.
This is an after shot with hair product. It looks so much better. I found this on my phone from one of her many make-up tutorial videos that she has saved. She is hilarious! Maybe some day I'll let her have a make-up blog but I'm a little unsure on that for a seven year old. :)

Day two, I stayed home all day. It was nice to get some extra deep cleaning done since I didn't have anywhere to go. And, I played games with my little one. She's off to kindergarten soon and those days are numbered.

Day three, I went to Kneader's because I needed teacher appreciation gifts for the last day of preschool.

Day four, I stayed home. Day five, I went to Joann's. I'm sure it seemed really important at the time but who knows what I bought or if I've used it yet.

I had pretty high hopes for this goal. But, I really am not cut out for it, either. So, when you see me at Target, just wave and don't look judgmentally into the cart at all of the great things I think I need that day. I hope this doesn't just sound like justification or a travel log. But, I really do go to the store a lot.

The goal did work out well because it made me aware and thinking about what I go to the store for and how often. Even this month, I've found a few days to just spend at home hanging out, cleaning and letting my kids' friends come over.  I found I don't mind if I don't get out of the house every day. I always thought I had to get out of the house every day. Maybe I should try walking, no?

My July goal was to make a bucket list with my kids. Instead, we made a calendar and listed the things going on. I did try to include them and let them do a few fun things. But, school starts tomorrow and July has gone way too fast.

My August goal is to pray for someone every day and add on to the list. I don't know if this is going to be my goal. I just have some other priorities that I need to focus on, too. So, I will definitely do this but I might need another goal as well to get myself going.


Christine Bennee said...

That is an admirable goal! I usually shop with a list and /or an ad. It really helps me to stay focused on what I need but I still go way too often :)

Nora Mair said...

Such a great goal! I have some minimalist blogs in my news feed that I'll click over to once and a while for a refresher on "consumption" of things but honestly, when you have a bunch of dependents (kids and husband)there are a great many needs. I'm realizing the sheer amount of items, just about overwhelms me for just one shop. At times I miss "cook for a day", when I bought all the same food at once. That helped on meals. As far as grocery shopping goes, I really can put it off. I've packed wheat thins and canned peaches in ziplocks for kid's lunches because we had nothing else and I didn't want to go to the store! I only wish I could run into you at target-would you consider shopping at the one in Centerville?-That would be awesome. And I would never judge--only start chattering you hear off.

Nora Mair said...

*ear off