Sunday, September 28, 2014

Back from the dead. Susan Fitch.

I've been missing in action here.  I totally forgot to post last month and I completed my goal and everything!  A little refresher for you:  At the family cabin I had tried to start a scrapbook a few years back to let everyone share their fun memories at the cabin together.  We share it with a bunch of cousins, so someone different is there every week.  After several years, I'm still the only one who has ever put anything in the book.  I'll admit, my feelings are a little bit hurt.  But rather than dwell on that, I decided to be proactive.  If no one else will play - I'll do it myself.  So my goal was to make scrapbook pages for 'my' book at the cabin.  While I only got two pages done, I also made a new cover for the book to see if it would encourage anyone else to participate.  Anyway - here's the old and the new. (new on the left, old on the right)

and here are the pages I made for the inside:

I am currently working on my goal for this month.  I won't go into detail about feeling totally burnt out as a Mom, because I know you've all been there.  But man, I tell ya.  I've been at the breaking point.  I knew I needed to do something drastic.  So I asked my husband if he'd watch the kiddos while I took a personal vacation.  He said "Sure! tell me when!"  (If I knew it would be that easy - I would have done this a long time ago!)  So, I am writing right now from the family *condo in Saint George.  I packed up the dog and myself, and I get to be here for 3 days ALL BY MYSELF.  It feels like the ultimate luxury. I'm actually doing something real about taking care of myself. I've never done anything like this before, but it is divine.  At first I felt guilty and selfish about leaving my family just to do something for myself, but now that I'm here, I realize how much I've needed it.  I am doing a lot of praying, scripture study, studying my patriarchal blessing, listening to inspirational audio books and making plans for organizing myself better. I'm also planning to go to the temple while I'm here.  It's my own personal Time-Out-For-Women.  It is so nice and rejuvenating to be entirely alone.  I'm proud of myself for being brave enough to really make this happen instead of just dreaming about it, and super grateful for my husband who was so willing to help. 

My goal for next month is to send at least one hand written note/letter to a friend.  I am terrible TERRIBLE at keeping in touch with people.  I was so impressed when this all started that Nora was able to round up 40+ people!   I doubt I could get 3.  So - I want to cultivate my relationships and make a handwritten something for someone because I don't think there's anything more endearing or personal than handwritten notes.  I know handwriting is becoming a lost art, and I think it's so sad.

Until next time!  

*My Husband's Grandfather decided that rather than leaving money to his family after his death, he wanted to leave something that would strengthen the family and give them good memories together.  So he put all his money into a cabin in Island Park, a condo in St. George and another cabin just up Parley's canyon.  He was a wise and good patriarch.  We share these places with 22 cousins, so we don't get to go all the time but, they have been a tremendous blessing.


Nora Mair said...

Yeah SUE! Your personal time out for women---I love it. What a refresher and soul reviver. Impressed with the scrapbook pages. Next month is a picture month for me so I'm looking for ideas. Sorry it wasn't responded to like you'd hoped but it will get looked at; so way to put your stuff in! I hope you had some frozen custard from Neilsons while you were in St George. So cool you have a get away and you have places to go. What a treasure for you and your family.

The Glitch Boys said...

Good for you! My husband is also wise about seeing the need for me to be alone and tries to get me to go away!

Meg said...

Those pages are darling! I hope that more people decide to use it!